Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Learning: A Way of Life

When home educating our children, learning just becomes a way of life. It ends up being Incorporated into almost every thing we do.

A trip to the grocery store becomes a real life math lesson. When I go grocery shopping, I bring my youngest with me. With notebook and pencil in hand, she adds up everything that I put in the basket. Sometimes I put something back on purpose so that she will have to subtract it. When I get more than one of an item, she has to multiply. Then when we get to the register, she is able to see how well her math skills are.

when my husband does any repairs around the home or with the vehicles, he lets our son help or has him do it with supervision. These father and son moments not only reinforce valuable math and science skills. He learns valuable life skills that will help him in the future when he no longer lives at home.

When we take a road trip, we point out land formations and discuss how they were formed. My children learn map skills by taking turns in the front seat to read the map. We discuss the history and significance of the cities or states that we drive through. We stop along the way to view historic landmarks. Not too long ago we camped where the buffalo soldiers once fought and learned of their history while there. Before that we took a trip that happened to be along the Cherokee Trail of Tears and stopped at historic sights to learn.

As a family we are learning Spanish, so when we go anywhere that happens to have bilingual signs, we try and translate them.

when my children were just beginning to read, I would have them practice by reading road signs and store signs as we drove past them. When I happened to be reading something, I would read it to them if they were interested.

When something is going on in the news we discuss it as a family, respecting their individual thoughts on the matter. We keep up on new scientific breakthroughs going on around the world and talk about them.

Outside of our typical school day we watch fun educational programs like Myth Busters, Dirty Jobs, and Nova. When we watch a movie based on real events in history, we discuss the facts and the fiction of it.

When our children ask a question, many times, we tell them to look it up. Then usually they come back with even more information than we knew and they actually teach us something.

Life and the world around us is full of endless learning possibilities.

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